My Files

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Orson Welles often wrote op-ed pieces in the news

By all accounts, Orson Welles was a genius.  I'm sure you have read about his incredible life.

He appeared on the radio show, Information Please (by far, the toughest quiz show in radio history - and I dare say, tougher than any in television history as well) and not only answered every question about show business correctly but answered many other questions about other subjects. Welles was a knowledgable man, to say the least.

Also, he was he an incredible (probably the best ever) movie and stage actor, film director (again, probably the best in film history, when given creative range) and he was great at doing political editorial.

You may remember this piece here about the Lear programs that Welles did.  He also did other programs where he spoke his mind, be it about politics or whatever.

I found that he wrote op-ed newspaper pieces as well.

Here's an example:

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