My Files

Monday, February 28, 2011

For the love of Agnes Moorehead! (Hodge-podge)

Worn to a frazzle.   Worn to a frazzzzzzz ull!  For the past couple of days I have been revamping the blog, cleaning stuff up, making stuff better - I am trying to set up and write some interviews that should appear here next week with some big OTR fans... bascially, I've been busy.

So I have nothing planned for today.  Oops!  Sometimes, when there's nothing planned for the blog, that's when I write best - so here it goes...

Agnes Moorehead
I thought I might tell you what's popular in OTR.   The reason I know is I can tell from my blog numbers that if Agnes Moorehead is mentioned, she gets a lot of attention.  She gets more attention than Orson Welles for some reason.  Is this because of TV/Bewitched?   I have no idea.

I like Agnes, I really do - but I was first introduced to her via Bewitched and I've always thought of her as evil!

I know now, especially after listening to her on her 4 minutes of OTR's This I Believe, that she probably wasn't evil at all.

The Shadow is popular too.  While I enjoy The Shadow, it's certainly not one of those shows I would think people would flock to; for one thing, the sound is bad in a lot of the shows - and those are the ones that star Orson Welles and Agnes Moorehead!  So why is The Shadow popular?  Plus, as I have Hodge-podged before, the whole Shadow thing is just goofy.

Something else that is popular is Pepsodent.  If I put a Pepsodent ad up, they get a lot of attention as well.  Bob Hope be hanged - but Pepsodent ads starring Bob Hope draw people in like flies.  Are the people who make Pepsodent the ones looking at the blog?  Who knows.?

This blog is  popular in Russia.  I never knew that Russians listened to American old-time radio but I suppose they do.

The Halls of Ivy get a lot of attention as well - but I can see that.  The Halls of Ivy is a fantastic show with a lot of charm.
You may recall a while back I wrote about Canadian OTR.  I still haven't found any information about it - I'm hoping I can find a Canadian fan on Twitter with whom I can do an interview about it.  I think we all would find it interesting to find out exactly what kind of shows were popular up there that were done in Canada. I know Canadians listened to a lot of American shows (this I know from Canadian radio schedules.)

Examine the following schedule from The Vancouver Sun in the late 1940's:

As you can see, they could listen to Suspense on two stations (I take it one of the stations is in Seattle) and if you look on the far right side, you see station CKMO, which looks to be playing nothing but Canadian-made radio. While some of it is obviously local programming, there is some national programming as well, especially in prime time, you'd think.

You see I have also highlighted a few shows I have never heard of before - are those Canadian? Were they national?

If you are from Canada and would like to help answer those questions, you can leave a comment and let us know. Or let me know via Twitter, @Jimbo_OTR.
It says in the book, On the Air that Henry Aldrich of the Aldrich Family was described as "typical" and "not at all typical" at the same time in reviews...

I think he's atypical for the fact that as goofy as he may seem, Henry seems pretty smart - certainly smarter than the kids his age I know. :)

©Jimbo 2010/2011


  1. Reading your blog it reminded me of how people look and how they age. If you are only recently exposed to Betty White you think of her as a little old lady. Also, if your only exposure to Arlene Francis is What's My Line, that is the mental vision you have of her. Same with Agnus Morehead from Bewitched. But, seeing pictures of them when they were young, all were beutiful in their own right.

  2. You are so right. You may recall us chatting about Dale Evans in the same light and I am always taken aback by the sheer beauty of Hariett Hilliard Nelson in her younger days, she was quite beautiful.


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