My Files

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Twice a day, hear a gruff union picketer on the radio!  Go home, eat some Spam and eggs and settle down to Billie the Brownie.

After that, kill yourself.

Just kidding about the Spam.


  1. Billy the Brownie. When I was in elementary school I used to listen to this show around Christmas time. They would read letters sent to Santa from kids and attempted to talk to him on a very static filled radio (intential I am sure.) At any rate, this brought child memories back to me, thanks!!!!!

  2. I remember (vaguely) a show called "The Cinnamon Bear" that would show up only at Christmas...

  3. My wife listened to Cinnamon Bear on the radio during her youth. So a few years ago we went to the library to bring it home to listen. I had never heard it before. I see it is on the other site we frequent. I need to download it.


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