My Files

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bill Stern - the lying Colgate Sports Cream man - is on the air!

"Bill Stern the Colgate Shave Cream Man is on the air,
Bill Stern the Colgate Shave Cream Man with stories rare!
Take his advice and you'll like nice,
Your face will feel as cool as ice,
With Colgate shaves you'll be a fan!"
   - sung to the tune of "Mad'moiselle from Armenteres"
(It's terribly catchy!)

Bill Stern was a liar and he made no bones about it.  He was on the air to tell exciting and compelling sports stories and that's what he did, truth be danged.

The fast-talking Stern remains enjoyable.  Some of the stories are down-right ridiculous (at least two-thirds of them) but the guy made you want to believe it, true or not. .. (mostly, not.)

Worth a chuckle and the show only lasts 15 minute.  I'd bring the youngsters in on this one - it's kid fun, for sure.  Great for kiddie bedtime. 

More about Bill Stern's Colgate Sportsreel


  1. As I mentioned on another OTR site that he was kind of a fore runner of Paul Harvey. 'Here's the rest of the story,' but, not as accurate as Paul. I heard him on radio doing a Notre Dame game against SMU and he really pushed the catholic school against the methodist school thing to the hilt. However, he was entertaining and dramatic.

  2. Haha I don't doubt it.

    Bill Stern is like a caricature of himself ;)


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