My Files

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Shows I appreciate more as time goes by

I'm sorry I'm not every active on this blog these days.  I made a descision a couple of weeks ago to write a small e-book about Vic and Sade and I have been busy with that.

I was thinking last night that there are shows I listen to that I appreciate more and more.

These will be in no particular order:

Burns and Allen.  The shows prior to 1942 are ones I am not crazy about.  Despite other flaws in the show after '42, I still find the show to be very entertaining and funny.  I've said this probably 382 times but the show would have been outstanding without the duck.  I'll never understand the duck (literally and figuratively.)

Amos and Andy.  I've come to realize that during the Shorty the barber days, this show is probably at it's all-time best.  I'm near the end of the series now and will write extensively about it in the near future.  A great show.

Suspense.  There are so many shows and they all had top-notch production; even the bad shows aren't hard to listen to.  The good ones will live forever.

Lux Radio Theater.  Pretty much the same thing I said above about Suspense.  CBS had a good formula that no one has ever topped with those two programs.

Challenge of the Yukon.  I think I appreciate this show more as the days go by simply for nostalgic reasons.  It is one of the shows I remember listening to in 1975 when I first found old-time radio.  The shows aren't great but are fun - and it's one show that I don't mind listening to their commercials.

Richard Diamond, Private Detective.  Despite the changeover in some of the cast (thankfully Diamond was always Dick Powell) I enjoy this one too.  There aren't a whole lot of episodes but I find them all to be good stuff.

Bob and Ray.  If I didn't know any better, I don't think I would know Bob and Ray was OTR.  It makes no sense and it's as zany as it can be.  Every day I find myself scrunching my eyebrows and thinking, what...  I am always amused by it.  I don't laugh but I find them just to be absolutely crazy.  They never do what I think they will.  They always keep me off balance.


  1. Just a line to say this is a solid list. I still think it is shame that Amos and Andy is considered racist today. It is funny without even thinking of race.

  2. Well, I think to label it that is not correct.

    Maybe I should do a list of stuff I used to like but don't really like any more...

    1. I know that stuff on XM or OTR on CBS does not include Amos and Andy which is a shame.

      It is not surprising that some shows get tiring as the more one hears them and others can look better. Give it a shot on the stuff you do not really like any more. I do enjoy enjoy reading your thoughts on the blog. I do not always agree, but, who cares.


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