My Files

Monday, October 8, 2012

Your taste can change!

When I was a kid, I hated onions, lettuce and about 100 other vegetables.  I still don't like all vegetables but onion is now one of my most favorite things.

Three years ago, I was "iffy" on listening to George Burns and Gracie Allen.  The early episodes (up to 1942) are not very good.  Despite the fact that I never liked the duck on there (!!) I listened.  And the postman (Mel Blanc) was someone who I wanted to rip his mailbag open on a very windy day.  But somehow, I now kind of like the postman.

Crazy, aint it?

I used to hate George saying, "Gracie... (tap tap tap)"  Now, it's one of my joys to hear him say it, mainly because I have learned to mimic George.  So I can't wait for those moments to check out my own comedic timing.

For whatever reason, I still don't care for sci-fi.  I recently re-downloaded X Minus One.  My taste hasn't changed - I just don't get it.  I suppose I don't get it like most of you can't get Vic and Sade.  I'll feel sorry for you and you feel sorry for me.

Thanks to all of you people who broaden my horizons.  Thanks to "Boston Blackie,"  I now listen to Halls of Ivy, a show I once avoided because "it's not funny."  Thanks to Sarah Cole, I've been listening to Henry Morgan and I've been trying to like I Love a Mystery.  She probably isn't aware how closely I follow her Tweets.

I like to ask people what they would recommend I listen to?  I like to hear new shows.  I want to find that special show.  It's the only way to go!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, everyone has different tastes. I tried Vic and Sade and stopped. However, you had recommended 21st precient and I am still listening and like it. I just started listening to Defense Attorney and like the first show we listened to. I will continue with that one and see if the test of several shows will carry its weight. I also like I Love a Mystery, but, it is a seriel and for our listening habits they do not do well. Too long between shows for listening.


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