My Files

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Help out Donnie Pitchford and the Lum and Abner comics!

Here's an important message from Donnie Pitchford:
The "Lum and Abner" comic strip will soon complete its first year! A second year is in the negotiation stages, but must pay a licensing fee to the trademark owners of "Lum and Abner."

Sponsorships are available, and any amount is appreciated. There are bonuses for amounts of $50 and more. The $50-up sponsor can choose a page of original art from the comic strip series (subject to availability - some are already gone). Also, links and linked banners promoting the sponsor's organization or business are available (as long as they're in good taste of course).

Please visit with Ethan C. Nobles at for all the details:

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