My Files

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New blog

My enthusiasm for OTR (and again in this case again, Vic and Sade) has provided the impetus of a new site, this time dealing with fictional plots of Vic and Sade.

The show is missing about 2600 episodes and there are some things that happened that either have no beginning, middle or conclusion.

This is where the blog comes in. In this new blog, called, "Imagined Plots of Vic and Sade" I try to answer some questions I have found in the series plus I have some fun and explore possible scenarios that could have taken place.

If you aren't a Vic and Sade fan, you may not care about it.  All I can say to you is there are like 20 blogs I provide about OTR and feel free to consume whatever you want to consume. 

©Jimbo 2010/2011

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