My Files

Monday, August 29, 2011

Mr. and Mrs. Blandings - a review

Cary Grant and Betsy Drake were married and shortly after, had a radio show that was based on a couple of books and an earlier movie Grant had made, Mr. Blandings Builds his Dream House.

The premise was a simple one: Blandings (Grant) would take his life savings and build his family a house in which they could be proud.  Of course, Murphy's Law takes over on day one and never lets up.

When the show centers it's attention on the house (which is about half of the time), I find it predictable and not much fun.  Let's face it, we already know that whatever it is that involves the house will either break down or never work to begin with.  Even the property itself has a future highway running through it!

But when the show strays to a different subject, like the Blandings' two charming daughters or anything not house-related, the show seems to do fine.  Is it funny?  No.  It's mere entertainment or perhaps just a curious time killer.

There are a few bright spots, mainly Charlie Weaver who shows up now and then in a couple of parts.  Gale Gordon also is on hand now and again.

Still, I can find little to say in this show's favor.  It's basically a one joke comedy.  1 ½ stars.

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