My Files

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Last day of August: Hodge-podging

I probably write this once a month but it's true; it's getting much harder to find radio information that my readers would like to read.

There's plenty of stuff out there from the 1930's but I know few of you care about that.To top it off, my readership is declining each day on this blog (although, increasing daily at The Crazy World of Vic and Sade.)  And I spend many hours here a day looking for stuff and writing and posting.

There are a few more reviews to write but I've spent about 6 hours this week looking for stuff in the newspapers to post and though I have found some ads for OTR Advertisements, I have found only one article to post - and that was a Vic and Sade article about Bernadine Flynn, which I posted in the Vic and Sade Yahoo Group.

I can foresee a day when in order to post, I will HAVE to write and that's not that appealing to me....

I have been listening to a lot of Duffy's Tavern the past week.  It occurs to me that the character Clifton Finnegan may get his monicker from Clifton Fadiman, from Information Please.  Information Please began in 1938 and Fadiman gave the show instant respect because the man was so classy and intelligent.

Fennigan on the other hand, is a totally classless stooge with no brains whatsoever.  Of course, this is pure conjecture on my part...

Are you aware that Gracie Allen played the part of Mrs. North in the film, Mr. and Mrs. North?  Yes, the same Mr. and Mrs. North of radio fame...

One thing I will never understand is how popular orchestra radio was - in mono.  In stereo, I can understand.  But wrapping my head around my grandpop unwinding  on the sofa listening to orchestra music without stereo, is beyond me...

Unless you search through the papers like I do, you may have never noticed, or knew this but during the World War II years,  it was forbidden for newspapers or radio to print weather maps or give weather reports...

The very first Radio Hall of Fame show broadcast (in 1934) featured Katherine Hepburn.  I don't know exactly how much radio Hepburn did but that may have been one of just a handful of shows she did...

©Jimbo 2010/2011


  1. No, I did not know that Gracie Allen played Mrs. North in the movies. Also, I recall when stereo came out it was almost (only almost) as exciting as when tv came. I remember sitting in front of the speakers and listened for the stereo effect. The first stereo record we had was South Pacific.

  2. Hi BB, thanks for the comment.

    I recall they first time I heard music in stereo - it was like the greatest thing ever. It changed my life.


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