My Files

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hodge-podging - Unanswered OTR questions and other stuff

What do we know about The Whistler?  This a man who whistles and walks by night and because of this, "knows many things."

The Whistler was nobody.  What I mean to say is that The Whistler didn't show up in his show, ever.  He just walked around at night whistling a very odd tune and telling us all he knew things - but when you boil it all down, what did he really know?

Don't you love the way the show Suspense starts out?  First of all you have the incredible atmospheric Bernard Herrmann score then you hear SUSPENSE!

Well not always, Here's the normal way and then - another way:

That was Howard Duff in 1943, believe it or not.

Alka Seltzer was a long-time sponsor of The Quiz Kids program.  In 1950, singer Tito Guizar made a guest appearance and ...

That's all I've got for now. Still looking for stuff to post...

©Jimbo 2010/2011

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