My Files

Friday, August 12, 2011

Hello. I live in a parallel universe

I have a next door neighbor that I met about a year ago.  He's not always there as his home is a vacation home.  He comes by when he can as he only lives 30 or so miles away.

When I first met him, he saw the iPod hanging around my neck and asked me what it was.  I got to tell him about the world of OTR.

"I live in the 1940's", I remember telling him.  He just looked at me.

Whenever I am around anyone for more than a few minutes, I try and bring up OTR in some way.

The other day, a couple friends of my niece were sitting at the table.  They were dressed in beach wear.

"Going to the beach?"

Yes, they nodded.

"Umm. I was listening to a Suspense episode the other day about a couple who murdered a gal and put her on the beach."

They just looked at me.

And so it goes.  I wonder if you also get the blank looks and stares.

©Jimbo 2010/2011


  1. Not sure if I get looks, etc., but, usually the conversation just moves to other topics.

  2. Maybe I get the looks because I am quite serious with them. However, I am always one to pull a person's leg too - so maybe they don't know I'm serious! :D


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