My Files

Saturday, August 13, 2011

1940's pet peeve of the day

I have some ideas about "pet peeves" from the 1940's (some may actually be from the 1940's or 1950's) that I would like to get off of my chest.  Thus, a new series called, "1940's pet peeve of the day."

I'm steadily going through the Aldrich Family - listening to one episode a day.  There's something on there that drives me crazy.  It's the pronoun, "I."

A typical exchange will be:

Sam Aldrich: Henry!  Did you find your missing Latin book?

Henry: Who, I, Father?

When did "I" become a better word than "me?"

When I was in grade school, I remember the teachers telling us over and over that it was "me" and not "I" in those situations.

When I first began to relaize that OTR characters were using "I: where I had been taught to use "me" - I was flabbergasted.  I still furrow my brow when listening to such shows as the Aldrich Family (seems to happen there more than any other show) but there is a bit of nostalgia there that makes me glad I can go back and listen to these things.

©Jimbo 2010/2011

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