My Files

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Teeny tiny hodge-podge

Here's a tiny tidbit for you: While listening to multiple episodes of the 21st Precinct the past week or so, I realized that the last call to the Muster Room of each episode is actually about the next episode...

Sandra Gould
I've probably said this before but as time goes on I really like the acting of Sandra Gould. Who's she, you ask? She played Miss Duffy on Duffy's Tavern from 1944-48; you may know her better as "the 2nd Gladys Kravitz" on the TV show, Bewitched. To me, she is perfect for the part of Miss Duffy.

And the more I listen to Duffy's Tavern, I realize the show had some good writing behind it, even though literally dozens of different writers were employed to work on the script week after week.

I don't have a lot to say today - although I did until there were 5 people plus me over at the house today using up all the internet juice and I couldn't get anything done. After a while of trying, I gave up the ghost, so to speak.

Working on finishing Billboard for 1950-51. There aren't that many of them. And though I haven't looked, I think there are very, very few in there after 1951, which means I could be finished with the Billboard site pretty soon.

©Jimbo 2010/2011

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