My Files

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Progress - July 7

+ Added these words to the Lum and Abner Dictionary:
  • azaggerate

(that's 4 episodes)

+ Posted 2 new audio instances of Peabody's Peabrain.

+ Finished another episode of Vic and Sade.  Fixed some mistakes and generally spruced up also.

+ Polished up OTR Books a bit and added these books:
  • Media at War
  • Radio Wars
  • America in the 1940s
  • America in the 1950s
  • With Amusement for All
+ Added another episode of You Bet Your Life to the Marxisms blog.

+ Finished up 1948 in the Billboard OTR Reviews as there weren't that many to begin with.  It looks like the magazines Google has online had the of the page I needed ripped out of them for 1948, anyway. 

+ Added a few ads at OTR Advertisements.  I didn't count them but roughly 20-25.

+ Added  13 posts to The Buffet + this one.

©Jimbo 2010/2011

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