My Files

Friday, July 15, 2011

Progress - July 15 pt. 1

+ Added these words to the Lum and Abner Dictionary:
  • appreciations
+ Added 2 new bios (Judy Canova and Meredith Wilson) to Say Hello to...

+ Added this book to OTR Books:
Vaudeville, Old and New

(I went through the stats this morning and noticed that very few people use OTR Books.  This is something I really don't understand at all.  Do you not realize what is at your fingertips?  I haven't counted but there must be 100+ books in the "library"  - at least half of them are about OTR while the other half reference OTR.

Some of these books are an invaluable (and free and convenient) reference - personally, I use many of them everyday - and if I wrote more, I would use them many times a day.

I suspect that many of you have not looked at the books and I dare say this is sad.  Number one, I've gone to a lot of trouble to put up this "library" and number two, this has to be one of the most useful if not THE MOST USEFUL website on the internet for the OTR enthusiast.

I'll get off my soapbox now but I think it's a shame that you people aren't using OTR Books.)

+ Finished an episode of Vic and Sade.

©Jimbo 2010/2011

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