My Files

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A lost Hodge-podge about XM Radio

A few years ago, I had XM Radio.  I also had Sirus radio (this was long before they merged.)  I was listening to a lot of sports and lot of old-time radio.

This is where I became aware of a lot of shows that I had never heard before: The Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show, for one.  I just never knew it existed.  The same goes for The Six Shooter, Baby Snooks and a few others.

I don't remember who was the host on Sirius but I remember Greg Bell from XM very well.  With his schedule, I was able to listen to every program available and I did this for weeks.  Bell's anecdotes before and after most every show got me interested in learning more about OTR.

I contacted Bell a few months ago and I arranged an interview which was to be run on this blog - but he begged off at the last minute.  

I was never crazy about either radio service when it came to OTR.  Although I understand the policies that XM Radio/Sirius has against running some OTR shows, I don't think it's right.  You cannot deny that Amos 'n' Andy existed and were a huge part of OTR anymore than you can dismiss something like George Washington owned hundreds of slaves.  Can you dismiss the first full-length talkie film simply because there is blackface in it?

Some episodes referring to 'Krauts' or 'Japs' are also never heard on XM.   After all, you don't want to offend anyone. All the Japanese and Germans did in World War II (and before) was kill millions of innocent civilians in China, Poland and abroad, right?

©Jimbo 2010/2011


  1. I had similar experience with XM radio. I got the XM service specifically to get OTR shows and sports, particularly baseball and college games. Our local broadcast of OTR was at 12 midnight. Not convenient. We did go to the library to check out some tapes and cds for OTR. Those shows were quickly exhausted. Ordering shows became a little too expensive, so the selection was small. Then my daughter found a web site that if you joined them for a donation you could download shows. That is where I am currently at. I agree with you about Amos and Andy. It is a funny show that had some great lines. Why deprive people of this? It is a regular show on my cue. Through the web site we have found so many shows that we were not exposed to on XM or other places. Some are very good. Not only that, you get more of the shows. I think it relates to how many Radio Spirits produce. Some of the quality is borderline, but, enjoy them never the less. Regarding XM, we had trouble whenever a storm went through the area breaking up the satelite feed. I do not have this problem by using my IPOD. I also can control the shows that I listen to. Sometimes that is not so good as I miss some shows that I do not think would be that interesting. However, I have started to listen to shows like Vic and Sade and I Hate Crime along with Address Unknown because of this blog.

  2. Cool, I am glad you are listening to Vic and Sade and I am happy that I am the one that turned you on to them. (Wink: Halls of Ivy.)


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