My Files

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hodge-podging for a change

Sorry to say: this is me.
Found a nifty little blog the other day, Inside the Head of Jeff Overture.  He's a big Vic and Sade fan and that's how I found his site.  It's worth checking out as he deals with all kinds of nostalgia.

If you are a regular reader of this blog you know that I have been listening to a mess of Suspense episodes the past couple of weeks.  It used to be a daily ritual but I had so much on my daily plate of listening that eventually, it got put aside.

There's no doubt however, that the show is one of the best out there and I'd rank it above the various other radio anthology series, including the later ones.  Funny but Elliott Lewis had in his hand in many of the better anthology series around...

If you saw my recent list of favorite Suspense episodes, try and remember that there are literally dozens of episodes I find unforgettable.  While I did list 15 episodes there are probably 150 plots I remember off the top of my head because the show simply sticks with me.  Scary?  No  But memorable, yes.

The same can't really be said for shows like The Whistler.   I do remember a few plots but they simply pale in comparison to Suspense.

And while episodes of Escape! are memorable there are only a few that I can distinguish as being Escape! and not some other show.   Suspense had an air of authority behind their stories, whether it's the voice of announcer Larry Thor I remember or the opening theme by Bernard Herrmann or the quality in production of the whole thing.

You know you have good stuff on your blog when people steal from you...

There are some things I wish existed that don't seem to exist. One thing, I'd love to see a film of Fanny Brice doing her Baby Snooks thing. But I've looked and looked and there doesn't seem to be such a film around.

If you are anything like me, once you go to YouTube you find the time flies by. Going on YouTube for me is dangerous. One thing leads to another and another and I realize I have been on YouTube for two hours listening to 13 different renditions of some song I really don't care that much about but are being played by kids that are 8 years old and in most cases doing it better than I did at age 25. Depressing but fun all at the same time. And a time killer/waster.

By tomorrow, I should be done listening to The Six Shooter series. I hate to see it go. I'll try to wait a year and then put it back on my iPod. What a great series that is.

Jimmy Stewart, who was not a great film actor but a good one, is superb in the radio series. The inflections in his voice and the great stories equals one of the very best radio series ever created.

Speaking of great series, I haven't listened to but maybe one of each of Fibber McGee and Molly or the Jack Benny Show in about 4 months. I've really just been too busy. Plus, I've been trying to fix the sound on both series, a monumental task to say the least.

And since I'm on the subject of "monumental tasks" my blog (which you know is really 16-17 blogs) can be a hair-puller. There are never enough hours in the day, I take on too much, some of the tasks are huge...etc. I realize I bite off more than I can chew but it keeps me busy. Sometimes it does overwhelm me but I tend to pick it back up. One thing that I just can't seem to work on is OTR People. You talk about "monumental" that my friends, is the definition of the word.

I have ideas for other blogs but I really don't have the time for them. I'd like to break down Bill Stern's Sports Newsreels into segments and find out from the newspapers if the incidents he tells about really happened. I know most are untrue but actually proving or disproving them would be fun. I may start one and see how it goes...but too many ideas, not enough time. I need a team of helpers who will volunteer to work free 27.8 hours a day.

©Jimbo 2010/2011


  1. The Bill Stern thing would be interesting. It would involve a heck of a lot of research. Of course that is what you like to do!

  2. HI BB, When say "heck of a lot" - really I think I can make or break each of them in 5 minutes or less; unless they are completely fictitious in which case, I may go a wild goose chase...

  3. Thanks fer the plug, Jimbo!!! And thanks fer all the swell comments on my blog. I'm still checking all of your stuff out and enjoying every page of it! Good stuff!

  4. Mutual appreciation society, my friend. I enjoy the conversations.


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