My Files

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Progress - July whatever-it-is (dog days)

Added the following words to the Lum and Abner Dictionary today:
  • contemptin
  • hippuhpotheseez
  • irrigation
  • jurisuhdiction
  • ordynances
  • rayed
  • subscriptions
  • unlessun
  • violate
+ Added an episode to The Crazy World of Vic and Sade.

+ Added 4 more posts to Peabody's Peabrain.

I got up a hour early this morning hoping to get more done than usual but I also had the job of photo copying a 100 page document... sheesh.  Of course I got no sleep last night either; It's been a bad day :(

©Jimbo 2010/2011

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