My Files

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

More books added

Added a few more books to the Searchable Books section:

Norman Corwin and Radio: the Golden Years

More Nashville Nostalgia

Storytelling in the Pulps, Comics and Radio: How technology changed popular fiction in America

Frank and Anne Hummert's Radio Factory

Radio Utopia: Postwar audio documentary in the public interest

Meredith Willson - America's Music Man

Mercedes McCambridge: A biography and career record

Not all of these books are 100% about OTR.  Some may reference OTR on it's periphery.  I still think of these as having value to our hobby.

While the books are searchable, you won't be able to search all of the book everyday.  You are only allowed a certain portion of the book to search each day.  Some sections of some of the books aren't searchable at all. But they are free and convenient, so you won't see me complaining too much.

Please remember this: I have nothing to do with these books and I make no money at all from them.   I provide links to these books because they are searchable and provide references to old-time radio.

©Jimbo 2010/2011

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