My Files

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Deluxe Lux photo!

(1949) Click to enlarge

I believe William Conrad is on the far right (second from the last.)


  1. Doesn't it look like Ronald Reagan at the right microphone? Yes, it looks like William Conrad at the far right, 2nd person. This is a great picture!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well, I was also going to write earlier that the woman at the mike looked like Jane Wyman. I have pretty positive it was Wyman since I first ssaw this photo...

    Now that you mention Reagan, I am 95% sure now that is Wyman and that is Reagan, since they were married!

    Married couples were often on Lux in the same shows together.

    So assuming that is Reagan and Wyman:

    "Nobody Lives Forever" had all 3 known stars in it (1947) - which is actually run 2 years before this magazine I got this from was printed...


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