My Files

Monday, June 20, 2011

Are these not funny?

I'm pretty disappointed that so few of you are checking out my hard work at The Crazy World of Vic and Sade and over at Marxisms.

I can understand if you are not a Vic and Sade fan.  I realize that there are few of those out there.  But how can you avoid Groucho.  Go to the Marxisms site, spend a few minutes there listening to the audio and tell me that's not the funniest web site on the web!  And I've only gone through 4 episodes!

When I am putting the posts together, I can't help but laugh.  These are some funny mp3's people...

Please have a look at both.  Have a listen to the mp3 files there.  Both shows are hilarious and you can come back and kick me if you don't laugh!

Both sites are meticulously done.  Each Groucho joke can be found easily.  I know it's not complete yet but just imagine the sie when it's done!

I work on these sites everyday.  Don't let my work go to waste!

1 comment:

  1. Jimbo, Your work is not for naught. I really appreciate your various works related to Vic and Sade. Thanks a thousand fold!


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