My Files

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Announcing: OTR Audio Interviews

By my count, there are at least 7 post-Golden Age radio programs that did interviews with radio stars, writers, producers and sound men.   I find these programs to be invaluable.

But who has time to sift through 230+ hour (or two hour) long programs to find the exact subject that they are looking for?  It could conceivably take hours of research and work.

This is why I have come up with OTR Audio Interviews, a new blog where I will break down each of the 230+ interviews into pieces by searchable and linked subjects.  I will also remove the annoying 1970's commercials, fix the sound as best as I can and basically, this will be a blog and a service that no one else has ever even dreamed about!

Once it is finished, it will be just another of the many hands and fingers of the OTR Buffet.

There's already one program up and ready to go.  You can download the improved program or have a listen to program in topical pieces.

OTR Audio Interviews will be updated every other day or so. All I ask that if you use it and enjoy it, leave me some feedback here on the Buffet or send me an email.  A little feedback now and then is a very nice thing...

©Jimbo 2010/2011

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