My Files

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Starting tommorow: Some terrific interviews!

Starting tomorrow, some terrific interviews will be here at the OTR Buffet.  They'll range from OTR web site writers to podcasters to everyday folks who just love old-time radio.

I've been truly overwhelmed with the responses I've gotten back from some people whose work and opinions I really admire.

To start things off tomorrow will be a great friend of mine, "Boston Blackie", who will tell us all about his life has been shaped by old-time radio and some of the things about OTR that he loves and hates.  It's truly a meaningful conversation as his insights are superb.

I'm really excited about this!  So be sure and come back every day starting on Sunday, March 6th.  There will be some good times here, I can promise you that.

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