My Files

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A short review: Up For Parole

I've found a new show for me:  it's called, Up For Parole.  I don't think it's an American show although I can detect no Australian or British accents.  I don't think it's Canadian either.  I can no trace of it in any American OTR encyclopedias. 

I've listened to 10 or so shows and though it's not great, it's pretty good. 

Apparently, the cases the show presents are based on true stories.  It begins with a prisoner.  He or she is in front of the parole board.  The board confronts the prisoner with the reason they were incarcerated.  Then the prisoner must tell them (in a flashback) what happened and why they think they should be paroled. 

The parole board is not a harsh group -- as a matter of fact, most times they seem very sympathetic to the would-be parolee.  There is the occaision though that your heart sinks at the end when you find out they didn't get parole.

It's not the greatest show ever, but it's about the quality of a Boston Blackie or The Thin Man.  The show doesn't have any known stars either.  The people who play the parts are strictly B-actors and we probably wouldn't know any of them even if we had their names in front of us. 

It's more than a time-killer.  I'd probably put in the 80's on my list.

©Jimbo 2010/2011

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