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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Interview with an online friend, "Brad"

I'm very pleased show you an interview I did with Brad.  Brad owns and runs the Old Time Radio Theater website.

He and I did an e-mail interview this past week.

OTR Buffet: Please tell us a little something about you and your history of old-time radio. How did it all begin for you?

Brad: I was first introduced to old time radio when my mother bought me an old time radio mystery tape for my birthday when I was a child. I believe the war of the worlds and the shadow and some others were on the tape.

OTR Buffet: What shows keep you going today?

Brad: I listen to "Father Knows Best" every morning on my way to work. It helps to start my day off in a good frame of mind. It is my favorite old time radio show.

OTR Buffet: What are your favorite OTR Comedies and why?

Brad: I love "Father Knows Best". It's not only funny, but seems to be a happier, more cheerful time. It puts me in a good mood. I know the characters so well, they seem like family.

OTR Buffet: What are your favorite OTR Mysteries and why?

Brad: I am very fond of "CBS Radio Mystery Theater" and "Ellery Queen".

OTR Buffet: What are your favorite OTR Westerns and why?

Brad: I'm not really into the westerns, so I can't say.

OTR Buffet: What are your favorite OTR Science Fiction shows and why?

Brad: I like X Minus One, Dimension X and 2000 Plus.

OTR Buffet: Favorite few series that may not fit into the above categories?

Brad: I just like to poke around in the big sampler disks and look for stuff I've never heard before.

OTR Buffet: What show do you wish you had more of to listen to?

Brad: I will be very sad the day I listen to the last "Father Knows Best" show. I will just start over again with the first one.

OTR Buffet: Is there a series that existed once but now there are no known copies, that you would like to hear?

Brad: None that I can think of right now.

OTR Buffet: How many hours a day and week do you listen to OTR? Do you have a listening schedule or is it just random? (If you have a schedule, tell me about it.)

Brad: About an hour per day.

OTR Buffet: By what primary means do you listen to your OTR? (example - XM, iPod with speakers, IPod with headphones, computer etc..)

Brad: On my cell phone, connected to my truck stereo.

OTR Buffet: Who are the best OTR actors and actress?

Brad: I like Orson Welles and of course, the complete cast of Father Knows Best.

OTR Buffet: I remember seeing your website from years ago and I have visited it many times and explored it deeply. How long has the site been up and what gave you the initiative to do it?

Brad: I've always loved old time radio since I was a kid. I thought it would be a worthwhile project to share my collection with others who may also enjoy it. Plus, I'd like to see more young people try the shows and see how they like them. I also wanted to make a huge collection of old time radio shows available all in one place so the blind and elderly could easily fill their day with quality entertainment.

OTR Buffet:  Thanks Brad!

©Jimbo 2010/2011

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