My Files

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Have you noticed...


First of all, I  still have this dad-dratted ear infection.  One side of my head is all swollen and some glands are sticking out, I think.  But I THINK I'm getting better.

I was hoping the interviews would continue all this week but *we're* at a standstill right now so they probably won't continue - for right now.  I have several interviews out that haven't been returned to me.

Have you noticed I haven't really been writing much lately?  There are several reasons for this.  For one thing, I have been writing long articles for the Old-Time Radio Researchers as I am now a part of their staff.  Hopefully, you will soon be seeing my work in the next issue of the Old Radio Times.

Also, I have been running these interviews...

Hopefully, I will continue writing about OTR for the blog and you should see some new stuff here soon from my own hand.

©Jimbo 2010/2011

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