My Files

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dennis Day versus Sophie Tucker

 I had an idea yesterday - compare Dennis Day's imitations to the real thing.

Here's the first of many over the next few weeks:  Dennis vs singer Sophie Tucker. (Incredibly, you can find a great many of Sophie's recordings online and can download them for free.)

Did he match her?  Only you can be the judge.

The first clip is part of the original recording (from 1911, so the sound is bad) of Tucker singing, "Some of These Days" - and it will be followed by Dennis singing the same song in her style.

It's not the whole song from either - just a few seconds of the same part of the song.

It will take the clip a few seconds to start after you press play.

©Jimbo 2010/2011


  1. Looking forward to them all Jimbo.

  2. Good idea, Jimbo.

  3. Thanks guys. I have done a few more but holding off posting just one a day.

    hard to tell how good/poor of a job Dennis did vs Tucker because A> She's female and B>She's singing - the male voices (non-singing) are startlingly similar.


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