My Files

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A couple more iPod tips

Earlier I showed you some iPod and iTunes tips and today I thought I would show you a couple more.

After you read them, you might think I am cRaZy but trust me, these are good tips.

Tip:  Set your backlight setting to "0."  Zero?  Yep.  You'd be surprised how much light the iPod gives out at "zero strength."  It will save your battery life.  Try it for a day.  If you don't like it - can't see, I dare you to come back here and tell me.

Tip: Get rid of all of the artwork on your iPod.  Pretty?  Yes... but removing the artwork could save a few hundred megabytes of space.  The more room the iPod has, the better off it is.

Exactly how long do you actually admire the artwork on your iPod, anyway?  It's just wasted space, in my opinion.

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