My Files

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hodge-podging: Superman

If you think about it, Superman was tops.  No, he wasn't mortal and yes he's alien.  But I've got some questions that remain unanswered.

Okay, I understand Clark Kent has his Superman costume under his everyday clothes.  What is never explained is how he gets to his regular clothes after he's turned into Superman.  Does he wear layers and layers and layers of clothes (coat and tie and hat - Superman suit - Coat and tie and hat - Superman suit, etc.?

The Superman suit is indestructible.  This has been mentioned many times.  But how many does he own?  There are some in his apartment closet as well.  Does he have an endless supply - and why would one need an endless supply of indestructable Superman suits, anyway?

And where does he hide the red boots?

In 1941 (the first year of Superman on radio) a pair of pants and a matching coat would run you about $35, for an average.  As reporter for the Daily Planet, he was lucky if he made $23-$25 a week.  So where did he get all of the suits?

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