My Files

Friday, February 25, 2011

Exploring Uncle Ezra and the Hoosier Hot Shots a bit

User Boston Blackie mentioned Uncle Ezra and the Hoosier Hot Shots because I posted a photo of them (in a previous post, below) and I too think Uncle Ezra and the Hoosier Hot Shots are kind of a cool thing.

For one, Uncle Ezra reminds me of what I have in my mind for a picture of Grandpappy Spears (a character played by Chester Lauck on Lum and Abner.)

I have never actually heard Uncle Ezra, so this adds to the intrique quite a bit.  As do the advertisements involving him that I found in the last few months:

Uncle Ezra with National Barn Dance
Uncle Ezra in his own show, Uncle Ezra Broadcasting
The book, "On the Air" - calls Uncle Ezra Broadcasting an "Offshoot of National Barn Dance" - which is to say (probably/maybe) that Uncle Ezra Broadcasting was the first spin-off in history, even before the Great Gildersleeve.

So Uncle Ezra - who was a comedic poet, I believe, is a famous character as far as both radio and TV are concerned because of the spin-off situation.

As far as the Hoosier Hot Shots, I haven't taken the time to listen to them (I've actually hunted Uncle Ezra stuff several times with no luck.)  Yet a look at their advertising leaves you wanting to know more, doesn't it?

Out of all of the advertisements I have found, Alka-Seltzer has the best, by far.

And now, the Hoosier Hot Shots!

And tons more, here. (Don't miss I Like Bananas Because They Have No Bones...)


  1. I like bananas because they have no bones is great. I shared this on my facebook page just to brighten up everyones day.

  2. Wow thanks, BB. Looks like everyone is loving it. I enjoyed their songs as well - I listened to all of them. They seem pretty flamboyant!

    By the way the time era for the films had to be about 1939 and the TV show(s) about 1950-ish. The ads were from the late 1930's.

    I only wish I could find some Uncle Ezra stuff somewhere...


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