My Files

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Does it Live Up to the Ads? Sky Blazers

I thought I would start up a new series of articles called, "Does it Live Up to the Ads?"

I am still scouring newspapers for advertisements (I really have a lot of fun doing this) and have come across some series I haven't even seen before. After some digging, I find a few episodes of the series and share both the ads and the few episodes I have found with you - and hopefully, you will download them and enjoy for yourself.

The first one we'll tackle is a series called Sky Blazers. Sky Blazers is a series about aviation - from the early days to the early 1940's.

Download an episode here:
Sky Blazers 400106 Bill Brooks' escapes with the Sioux Indians

The acting was a bit stiff all the way around (except for the school teacher part.) This was a fun story about a young man's love for aviation and he not only saved a life of a young Indian boy but found a wife in the process.

I'm not sure I'd go as far as to say the show was exciting or thrilling (as the ads claim) but may have been called such in 1940. 

Overall, not a bad show for the juveniles. 15 minutes of fun.

So much fun, in fact, I think I will listen to a couple more (there are only four available.)  If you find yourself wanting more, give me a shout, I'll upload them for you.

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