Friday, January 14, 2011

Billboard vs Jimbo: Dr. I.Q.

Tons of fun here, even today with the unusual quiz-master asking questions that most anyone could know.

The show has an aura about it unlike any other show I can think of, as it is set in a large auditorium with men holding microphones all over the audience and picking people at random (I think) to be a part of the show and given a chance at an odd prize (seven silver dollars, for example.)

Some of the questions are seemingly easy: "I'm going to say this once and once only, repeat this sentence" - then an impossible to remember and say correctly sentance is given. Do it correctly and you might win thirty silver dollars.

The "I have a lady in the balcony" stuff is just too much fun. And even the losers on this show get a box of candy bars (disregard Billboard saying they backed out, we're on different time schedules here.)

Some of the most fun you will ever have if you enjoy quizzes.

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