My Files

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Quarreling about 1946 radio: Saturday

Mostly non-funny teenage buffoonery and sometimes angst parlayed against a live audience of other loud voice-changers; show is straight from the Archie Comics. Worth listening to as a time-killer, don't expect much enjoyment from your 30 minutes spent. No pyramids - hmmm...okay - a half of a pyramid.

Fine production with killer theme song that's always stuck in my head. Along the vein of other tough crime shows like This is Your FBI and Gangbusters, although this one not as tough (seems to focus more on scams and frauds than murder.) Still, I'd almost put this one up there with any of those shows, although it's probably on the bottom of that list. 2 pyramids.

Same as above except Gangbusters seems to be harassed by poor sound quality in every other episode. Not as good as Dragnet et al., but certainly worth listening to.

Another bad thing is many episodes are missing are some two-parters. Barely 2 pyramids.

Not one of those shows I can't really stomach at all; in the line of Alan Young and Life With Luigi. Not a horrible show but not one I even bother with, simply because the entertainment value is so low. 1/2 a pyramid.

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