My Files

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One of the best: Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle

I like Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle because Tarzan is not some, "Me Tarzan, you - Jane" man-beast but rather, an articulate peace-maker who roams the jungles of Africa and occasionally the business offices of places far, far away.

This is not the Tarzan you imagined when you read Edgar Rice Burroughs' books as a kid.  This Tarzan is savvy.  He's not without adventure; seems his job in every show is to rescue some white person who has somehow made their way to jungle for escape or for profit.   Needless to say, their jaunt into the darkness of the jungle would end in their death if not for Tarzan's empathy and bravery.

He's not afraid to tangle with any beast.  He's so strong that he can defeat by strength and cunning, all animals he goes up against - even though he knows most of them by name.

If he needs to eat, he'll kill one of them - to heck with the Politically Correct, Tarzan is hungry!

I remember one episode where a girl needed shoes.  He killed a beast and made shoes out of it for the girl's walking pleasure.

This is a fun show, with no commercials and with great sound quality.   This series began in 1951, so like most shows after 1950, sound is not a major issue.

1 comment:

  1. You're right, this Tarzan was not the movie Tarzan. I found it interesting on his comments about the Arabs in some of his episodes.


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