My Files

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hodge-podge: "the human mind is an enigma" edition

From the this-means-nothing-except-sometimes-my-mind-wonders-while-listening-to-OTR department:

Let George Do It and Box 13 are similar in ways: both shows are about men who put ads in the paper, advertising for danger/adventure.

George was George Valentine.  Box 13 was run by Dan Holiday.

Valentine is a holiday.

My mind wonders and wanders...
Speaking of my mind wandering while listening to OTR: I often will be thinking of something and it will pop up in a show I am listening to. This actually happens way too frequently to me and I no longer think it's just a coincidence.

I also will be listening to shows randomly on the iPod and hear 2 shows about almost the same subject, back-to back (this happened last week and the subject was: "afraid of horses.")

I had an incident about 3 months ago when I had 4 of 5 programs I was listening to have the phrase, "capture the brass ring" in them. When something like that happens, it really can stop you in your tracks.

I think my mind is so powerful, I am able to control radio shows that are 70 years old.



  1. Recently heard two otr shows that involved horse racing. Each story the one horse was replaced by a 'ringer.'


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