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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Groucho talks with a wedding planner on YBYL

Groucho: How much do you charge for this grand larceny?

Wedding Planner: We have two plans. One is $25 and the other is $15.

Groucho: What do you get for the $25?

Wedding Planner: Well for $25, you get a minister of your choice, an organist who'll play whatever songs you'd like; witnesses if you need them..

Groucho: What do I get for $15?

Wedding Planner: Well for $15, you get the same things as the $25, except you get a live organist.

Groucho: For $15 you get a live organist. What do you get...a dead one for $25? I'll take the one with the dead organist [...] What's the most splice-jobs you've had in one day?

Wedding Planner: One Valentine's Day we had 27 weddings.

Groucho: Is that what killed the organist? What are your working hours on a job like that?

Wedding Planner: Well I work 9 to 5 and I am on call 24 hours a day.

Grouch: Oh. Well you're sorta like a fireman, eh? You slide down a brass pole with rice in one hand and a dead organist in the other.

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