My Files

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Did you know [#05]

Did you ever realize that for most of the Ozzie and Harriett run, 1847 Rogers Brothers was the sponsor of the show - and that the Nelson's address was 1847 Rogers Road?


  1. I did not comment the first time I read this, but, will now. Yes I knew that and think it is pretty cool to use it for their address.

  2. It probably took me 20 listens before I though *d'oh* that's their address.

    Yes, very clever. Kind of like using Harlow Wilcox to be a "part" of the cast on FM&M and his part always being a commercial (done again after that by many shows, Burns & Allen for one but would you say Don WIlson was first or does what he did with Jell-o, count? )

    Personally, I give that award to Wilcox unless I can find another who did it first.


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