My Files

Friday, January 14, 2011

Billboard vs Jimbo: Lux Radio Theatre

Surely, anyone who enjoys classic Hollywood films would enjoy Lux Theater.

The show is loaded down with radio's top production, top Hollywood stars and top film screenplays crammed into an hour of radio. It really gets no better than this.

The only drawback (for me) is sitting through a program for a whole hour. Most of the Lux productions I have already seen on the Turner Classic Movie network, so it's hard to hold my interest. But that's not LRT's fault.

The first-class productions are wonderful radio listening and every now and then I seek one out I haven't heard before. You can find any genre you want. Generally I avoid the mostly-romance shows and stick to the productions that are full of adventure, action or crime.

For someone who hasn't seen all the films, I'd think this would be like a lower level of heaven.


  1. Right on. Added it to my regular listening cue.

  2. Pretty sure you will enjoy most of these.


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