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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Billboard vs Jimbo: It Pays to be Ignorant

Strange anti-Information Please show with experts giving ridiculous answers to open-ended questions.

I suppose this is the kind of show someone like Dagwood (see my previous Blondie entry) would have been listening to in 1942.

The shows all seem speeded up a bit (I have listened to 4 of them - they are sped up) probably so they could cram an extra 40 seconds worth of show down the gullible public's throats.

I'm not totally sure of the purpose of this show (except, as I said, to be anti-Information Please) as again, the show is not funny and borders on making me angry, to tell you the truth.

I'm guessing that there must be some sentiment that has always existed that it's okay to be stupid and damn those who are intelligent.   This show preaches that mantra and seems to have done well enough to allow them to parade their wares on the air many years, as I see shows from at least 1942-1945 available.

Surely a sign of the times because I see no need today in proving to the world that you hate intelligence and intelligent people. 

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