My Files

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Billboard vs Jimbo: Burns and Allen

Burns and Allen is sometimes pretty good (usually in the late 1940's) and sometimes not (early 1940's and before.)

While George is fine (not funny but not getting on your nerves, either - unless he's "singing") Gracie is a wound-up toy with decent comedic timing (like her husband.)

It's just a bit too bad that most of the jokes are stale.

I have no idea who put a talking duck on their show (early 1940's) but it was such a bad idea...  I'm not too fond of Mel Blanc as the depressed postman either -- he's almost as bad as the talking duck.

The early forties (and particularly prior to this) is pretty annoying stuff.  It seems that if radio got a good idea - such as Gracie running for President -  that they ran it into the ground (just like Jack Benny did to Buck Benny.)  I can't take another episode of Gracie and the President theme, although it's kind of funny how George Burns got thrown under the bus during the whole schtick.

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