My Files

Thursday, January 27, 2011

200+ new ads (and counting)

I'm nowhere near finished and have found 211 new ads and I'm not even 1/10th of the way done yet!

I found a whole batch of Canadian OTR advertisements and that's pretty exciting yet - what am I going to do with those?  (Anyone know of any Canadian OTR sites - if you do, pass me a note, will you?)

One of the wacky Canuckian shows no one has ever heard of
Yes, Canada had their own set of National programs.  Most seem like they are dramatic - in line with Screen Guild Playhouse and that kind of thing.  (Who knew?)

First OTR, then Doug Flutie... those pesky Canucks are trying to take over the world!

I hope you'll be patient with "Buffet Boy" here as I do some things behind the scenes.  I will do what I can to the OTR Buffet and the L&A Dictionary but in the meantime, the other digits may suffer for a bit.

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